Los detalles de la aplicación:
Versión: 1.0
Fecha de carga: 15 Mar 18
Licencia: Libre
Popularidad: 6088
Tamaño: 1323 Kb
Hello, my dear friends! Finally I completed my effortful mod- Counter Strike 3D Mobile. I am grateful to three very good mod-makers who have helped me with their pieces of advice, and with a lot of other things. They are: phirenor, who has made two 3D models of levels specially for my mod (the 1st and the 9th tasks); initially there were tree of them, but the third one did not run; Wixel, who has made weapon sprites and backsights; and finally Aza, who helped me a lot with his advice at the beginning of the designing.
Thank you, guys, for one more time.
Features of the mod:
- 10 nuevos modelos 3D de niveles;
- Un nuevo modelo del enemigo con la textura 256x256;
- Nuevas armas;
- Se agrega un tercer toque;
- Una posibilidad de elegir un luchador;
- Y también algunas otras cosas pequeñas & nbsp;
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