Pack of Merriam-Webster Dictionaries for mobiles PACK DE DICCIONARIOS MERIIAM-WEBSTER PARA MOVILES
Merriam-Webster 's' Diccionario Collegiate, Merriam Webster Inglés-Español & amp; Diccionario Español-Inglés, Merriam-Webster Inglés-Francés & amp; Diccionario Francés-Inglés, Diccionario Médico Merriam-Webster
SlovoEd for mobiles presents a series of popular English explanatory and translation dictionaries for BlackBerry Smartphones containing the high-quality dictionary databases from Merriam-Webster, America's leading and most distinguished language reference publisher. Merriam-Webster dictionary is a product of extensive research and painstaking writing and editing conducted by the largest group of professional lexicographers in North America. All dictionaries are powered by rich-functional application engine from Paragon Software, the world's leading provider of software for mobile platforms. Two industry leaders have combined their efforts to provide a revolutionary combination of high-quality reference content and state-of-the-art technology for your translation and reference needs.
Pack of Merriam-Webster Dictionaries contains: |
Outstanding features: |
Find the base forms of the translated word in any grammatical form by using the built-in morphology function. For example, if you translate plural nouns and adjectives, different verb forms and so on. |
Check the correct spelling of the word using the Variants of the word option. Choosing this option you are able to receive the nearest words to the translated word in alphabetical order. It will help you when you don't exactly know how to spell the word you want to find. |
Get quick access to last words you translated with the search method such as Search history. You will easily find last 20 words from the History at any time. |
Study the language in the easiest and most effective way using the cross-lookup feature between different related articles. Choose any unfamiliar word in the translated article and you will instantly receive its translation and definition just by pressing the button on your phone. |
Enjoy Merriam-Webster dictionary with convenient, friendly, specially designed for mobile phone dictionary user interface. Optional letter size and color markup are developed to set customer interface in accordance with your taste. |
Install and use several language packs on your device at the same time and save memory on mobile phone using Pack of Merriam-Webster Dictionaries. It consumes only 64 KB as it is a client-server application. |
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